{\rtf1\mac\ansicpg10000\cocoartf824\cocoasubrtf440 {\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset77 Monaco;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red158\green158\blue158;\red255\green0\blue0;\red0\green102\blue0; \red0\green0\blue255;\red0\green153\blue166;} \pard\tx640\tx1280\tx1920\tx2560\tx3200\tx3840\tx4480\tx5120\tx5760\tx6400\tx7040\tx7680\tx8320\tx8960\tx9600\tx10240\tx10880\tx11520\tx12160\tx12800\tx13440\tx14080\tx14720\tx15360\tx16000\tx16640\tx17280\tx17920\tx18560\tx19200\tx19840\tx20480\tx21120\tx21760\tx22400\tx23040\tx23680\tx24320\tx24960\tx25600\tx26240\tx26880\tx27520\tx28160\tx28800\tx29440\tx30080\tx30720\tx31360\tx32000\ql\qnatural\pardirnatural \f0\fs28 \cf2 \cf0 \ \cf3 \cf0 \ \cf3 \cf0 \ \cf3 \cf0 \ \cf3 \cf0 Aramark Coors Field photography - www.a-a-photography.com\cf3 \cf0 \ \cf3 \cf0 \ \cf3 \cf0 \ \cf3 \cf0 \ \cf3 \cf0 \ \cf3 \cf0 \ \cf3 \cf0 \ \cf3 \cf0 \ \cf3 \cf0 \ \cf3 \cf0 \ \cf3 \cf0 \ \cf3 \cf0 \ \cf3 \cf0 \ \cf3 \cf0 \ \cf3 \cf0 \ \ \cf3 \cf0 \ \cf4

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\cf0 Aramark Coors Field is a one-of-a-kind venue located in the charming city of Denver. A & A Photography has shot at Aramark Coors Field and loves the beautiful wedding photos they have got at Aramark Coors Field . A & A Photography creates beautiful wedding day images with this one-of-a-kind venue, Aramark Coors Field . It is a fun venue in the eyes of a wedding photographer like A & A Photography. A & A Photography has shot our would like to shoot many more weddings at this venue. Aramark Coors Field is one of colorado's best places to get married. If you are getting married at Aramark Coors Field you can contact A & A photography at www.a-a-photography.com. A&A Photography is is one of colorado's most sought after husband and wife teams in colorado. Andy Wood and Angie Wood are international award winning wedding photographers who have shot or would like to shoot at Aramark Coors Field \cf4

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